Getting ready for summer

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I treated myself to some new running shorts as a reward for really getting back into running (and blogging, which I haven't done for a couple of years, but it's mostly about being able to run again following several injuries ranging from pulled muscles to two cracked ribs)

I can never decide if I like loose or tight-fitting shorts, so I keep alternating. But they both have the pockets in the back which I love, hence why I opt for Karrimor all the time. Pockets in other places just annoy me now.

Anyway, not only am I back into the habit of running, but I'm back into enjoying it too. I'm hitting my favourite route tomorrow, running it for the first time since my stress fracture, and I could not be more excited.

This is my favourite place. I run there (either 4km or 6km, route dependant) and then sit and chill out for a bit. Then I run back. I really cannot wait! I will do the two 4kms tomorrow, seeing as I'm still building up. I've promised myself that, to prevent the stress fracture from recurring, I will not try to run further than 8km for the next two weeks. Must. Build. Gradually. Must. Build. Gradually...

In other news, I went running with my boyfriend for the first time at the weekend and, whilst he was a bit faster than me, I kept up with him for the first 3km and, as a result, hit my fastest 5km since being injured (you know, after recovering from the first 3km and being practically dragged the next 2km uphill!). It was also the longest run I've done since my fracture, I managed 7.5km in all, and I felt incredible after it. It turns out that was all it took - One blast of the runner's high and I'm hooked again, rather than having to drag my backside out of the door every time, like I have needed to for the last couple of weeks.

I'm back! And can't wait to get back to absolutely nailing my times and distances. Now I just need a training goal. I'm feeling another half coming in the autumn...


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