Beating PBs.

1 comment
When I first started running, I found myself getting hooked because I beat my PBs. A lot.

I mean, in the beginning, you beat either a time or a distance PB pretty much every time you head out the front door, and it's this buzz you get that gets you addicted to running in the first place. Then, a few months later, the PBs become harder to beat and that incredible sense of achievement becomes less frequent. Of course, by this point, you are determined to beat them anyway, plus you actually enjoy running so it is less of an issue but, nonetheless, nothing beats that incredible sense of achievement that comes from running your fastest time or furthest distance.

This is, I have to say, the one and only thing I'm enjoying about starting running again after having been injured. I'm having the fun of beating my PBs all over again, whilst my actual PBs are still a way off, beating my post-injury PBs is proving to be a lot of fun and is incredibly rewarding!

Today, I ran my first sub-30 minute 5km since starting to run regularly again, and it felt brilliant! I mean, I actually felt like I was going to die, but there really is nothing like that runner's high. I also beat my boyfriend, but he's adamant that he was just dehydrated so it doesn't count.

In order to chart my progress, I've made some charts that I have on display in my kitchen.

My 5km time chart: Two more boxes to smash my PB! 
3 charts: Long run distance, 10km times and 5km times.

I used something similar when I first started running and thought it would be fun to map my progress again, this time on the journey back to my former best and, ultimately, to go beyond it. I want to get faster, I want to run further, so whilst I'm enjoying this stage of running and beating my times, I have a bigger goal in mind, and that is beat my true PBs.

Wish me luck!

What are your current aims for your running?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your 5K goals! My current marathon goals are to sub-4 and to BQ. For my half I'd love to run a 1:45:00.
