Running and the gym.

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So, I've become one of those people I used to sit and confusedly stare at. Someone who runs on a treadmill.

I mean, seriously guys, why would people do that when they could save the extortionate amount of money it costs to be a member of the gym and run outside? Outside is so much nicer, and it's free! Why, treadmill runners, why?

So, now I'm one of them. Why? Because I'm a wimp in the heat. 37°c running? Absolutely no chuffing way am I going out to run in that when I am a fully payed up member of an air-conditioned gym. Plus, even when it's hotter in the gym than one would really like, you can have a huge bottle of water to drink from without having to traipse around your route carrying it.

Don't get me wrong, I love running outdoors, of course I do. There really is nothing better than feeling the sun/breeze/rain on your face as you run, but there comes a point where it stops being fun in the heat/humidity and I always promise myself never to do something if I'm not enjoying it. And yes, running on a treadmill can be boring, so I wouldn't say I enjoy that either, but when you can watch crappy daytime TV at the same time on the big screens, it isn't completely terrible either.

Now, brace yourself die-hard runners, because this next sentence is going to be contentious and no-doubt make you scream expletives at me.

Running on a treadmill is harder.

Calm down, calm down, and let me explain myself. In my mind, it's as simple as this:

Outdoors - run up a hill (boo), run down the other side (yaaaaaay!)
Treadmill - run up a hill (boo), run flat (yay).

Seriously, that incline button is a beast. It has definitely helped me too, for when I did eventually make it outside when the temperature dipped earlier this week, I ran my fastest ever 5km. Again, smashing my PB for the second time in two weeks. Suddenly, the relief of being able to run down a hill was all the motivation I needed, and in turn, I now hate the incline less because I know it's good for me. It's a happy little cycle right now.

Despite my new-found enjoyment of the treadmill however, the temperature has now dipped back to normal and I could not have been more excited to hit the meadows last night, nor again tonight. Treadmill, you served me well (very well, in fact), but I won't miss you when the sun hits my face as it dips down below the horizon, or when the rain cools me down as I run.

So, the outdoors will, of course, always be the best. Just don't hate on the grey, human-hamster-wheel lurking unloved at the back of every gym. It's actually alright!

This is the workout I've been using, only I've been doing it twice through to make a 40min run Thanks, popsugar. (You can click on it for the bigger image) I would highly recommend you give it a go next time you find yourself staring at one.

Opinions? I feel as though this is probably a can of worms...

1 comment:

  1. I very rarely run on the treadmill. I usually run on it during the winter time when it gets too cold. I find the treadmill harder to run on as well. I think part of it is the lack of change in the surroundings and the consistent bobbing up and down in one place. I try to reward myself with a Netflix show I don't watch often so motivate myself. Treadmills are great for hill training when you live in the very flat Midwest like I do! That incline button can be your best (or worst) friend.
